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Inside Steve's Brain by Leander Kahney, Portfolio, 304 pages, $23. 95, Hardcover, April 2008, ISBN 9781591841982
For four decades, the word Apple has conjured up more than just keeping the doctor away. Adding the iPod, iTunes and iPhone to that mix only strengthens the long-lasting brand that shares the fruit's name.
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Creating a World Without Poverty: How Social Business Can Transform Our Lives by Mohammad Yunus, PublicAffairs, 261 pages, $26. 00, Hardcover, January 2008, ISBN 9781586484934
Economist and banker Muhammad Yunus has often been described as a visionary. His work with microcredit lending earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006; the only other recipient that year was the micro lending company he founded, Grameen Bank.
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The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures by Dan Roam, Portfolio, 288 pages, $24. 95, Hardcover, March 2008, ISBN 9781591841999
When one thinks of the skills needed to thrive in today's business environment, the ability to draw isn't usually high on the list. But, as Dan Roam persuasively suggests, visual thinking through the use of drawing is one of the most powerful tools for solving problems and selling ideas we have available to us.
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Hug Your People: The Proven Way to Hire, Inspire and Recognize Your Employees and Achieve Remarkable Results, by Jack Mitchell, Hyperion, 288 pages, $19. 95, Hardcover, March 2008, ISBN 9781401322373
Some of you may recall Jack Mitchell's last book, Hug Your Customers. In it he discussed how to nurture and maintain customer relationships using his "hug" method.
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The Go-Giver: A Little Story about a Powerful Business Idea, by Bob Burg and John David Mann, Portfolio, 112 pages, $19. 95, Hardcover, December 2007, ISBN 9781591842002
Bob Burg and John David Mann have written an interesting parable around the life of "Joe," a highly ambitious guy who comes to a dead end when he can't create the two things he needs to succeed: clout and leverage. In his pursuit of obtaining these things, he meets "Pindar," a smart, kind, and extremely wealthy man who seems to have everything Joe wants.
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