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There's a new excerpt up on the Excerpts blog. It's from The Open Brand: When Push Comes to Pull in a Web-Made World by Kelly Mooney and Nita Rollins, Ph. D.
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Do the Right Thing: How Dedicated Employees Create Loyal Customers and Large Profits by James F. Parker, Wharton School Publishing, 288 pages, $22. 99, Hardcover, January 2008, ISBN 9780132343343
We've all heard the success stories of the small, short-haul, Texas airline that grew out of a loophole in federal legislation to become one of the most profitable airlines in history.
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Stirring it Up: How to Make Money and Save the World by Gary Hirshberg, Hyperion, 240 pages, $24. 95, Hardcover, January 2008, ISBN 9781401303440
When Gary Hirshberg started in business, he looked at the standard definition of efficiency in our economy and saw it as ultimately unsustainable. In Stirring It Up, he gives us a new standard to gauge efficiency that is both profitable and sustainable, inspired by his 25 years worth of experience applying this standard at Stonyfield Farm.
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Welcome to all the visitors for the Post2Post Virtual Book Tour.
We are featuring Seth Godin new book Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing Out of Sync?
We'll be putting up some posts this morning, but first you may want to check out the other stops that have already been made this week.
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Meatball Sundae by Seth Godin, Portfolio, 256 pages, $23. 95 Hardcover, January 2008, ISBN 9781591841746
In Meatball Sundae, marketing guru Seth Godin explains that not all products are created equal in terms of marketing approach. In the old days of marketing, consumers really had no choice but to listen to whatever marketers, sales clerks, or the media ads wanted them to hear.
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