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The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania made a big announcement last month, launching Wharton Digital Press. From that release:
The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania announces the launch of Wharton Digital Press, an innovative global all-digital publishing initiative that will publish books electronically, including ebooks, enhanced ebooks, mobile apps, and print books available through print-on-demand technology. In collaboration with Knowledge@Wharton, the School’s online journal of research and business analysis, Wharton Digital Press will take advantage of the Wharton School’s global presence to communicate relevant business knowledge from experts throughout the world to readers wherever and whenever they need it.
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We all know a great presentation when we see it. With Jerry Weissman's new book, Presentations in Action, we get lessons from 80 great presentations about what makes them great.
For those that have ever presented to a group, you're familiar with the myriad of issues one needs to address (and often realizes they missed once in front of the group - too late!
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Jeffrey Gitomer and Noah Rickun will be LIVE in Milwaukee on June 10th at the Sales Surge Seminar!
Here's what you'll hear:
Building business momentum. .
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The call is on for submissions to the 2011 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award. From the press release:
Now in its seventh year, the award is firmly established as a feature of the business and publishing calendars. [.
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Little Bets: Think Differently by Peter Sims
“Our education system places great emphasis on teaching us about facts that are already known, such as historical information or scientific tables, and then testing us in order to measure how much we’ve retained about that body of knowledge. Those skills work perfectly well for many situations, but not when doing something new. Or creative.
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