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We've talked about Gary Vaynerchuk's new book The Thank You Economy, and are very excited to see him coming to Milwaukee to talk directly about some of the ideas in his book. And what exactly are those ideas? Renowned entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk reveals how companies big and small can scale that kind of personal, one-on-one attention to their entire customer base, no matter how large, using the same social media platforms that carry consumer word-of-mouth.
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GoogleAlerts shared a little surprise with us this morning. An interview Jack and Todd did with Michael Bungay Stanier "back in the day" when The 100 Best Business Books of All Time was just a newborn was put up on Stanier's (great-looking) Great Work Interviews site. In this interview, Jack, Todd, and Michael talk about: A big aha!
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These words are at the top of our home page, to point people in the appropriate direction to accomplish why they came to our site. Sometimes, that sentiment goes a bit further, when we deal directly with a customer throughout their order process. And sometimes within that process, things don't go as smoothly as usual.
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We've been talking a lot about entrepreneurship lately here, and the discussion continues today around a recent book by John Bradberry, called, 6 Secrets to Startup Success: How to Turn Your Entrepreneurial Passion Into a Thriving Business. I first met author John Bradberry at the 2010 800-CEO-READ Author Pow Wow and was intrigued by his realistic view of business in an era where the popular message was to simply follow passion. As we discussed, and as John digs deep into within his book, is that passion is not nearly enough to create success.
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Carol Roth's new book, The Entrepreneur Equation: Evaluating the Realities, Risks, and Rewards of Having Your Own Business, is the truth serum needed by anyone interested in starting their own company. For some, it might be slightly bitter to taste, but the healing effects go a long way in the battle against blindly following passion into financial ruin and crushed dreams. Literally energized by her book, I immediately sent her a few questions.
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