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Why "Free" Is the Wrong Price for Water—Even If You Live on $1 a Day by Charles Fishman “Free turns out to be exactly the wrong price for water—whether that water is being used by huge global corporations, farmers, ordinary middle-class citizens, or the poorest people living in developing countries. Water that is so cheap provides no incentive for big users—corporations, farmers, even cities—to spend money necessary to better manage their water. [.
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Occasionally, each of us can say we have good ideas. But how often do we act on them, and were they in fact really good ideas? Young entrepreneur and best-selling business author Peter Sheahan's new book, Making It Happen: Turning Good Ideas Into Great Results addresses those very questions.
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Most people that start companies do so because they are passionate about what they're selling. While that's important, it can also become a trap, blinding the entrepreneur to business opportunities that exist within the idea. It may seem crazy at first, but author John Warrillow talks about the idea that entrepreneurs should build their businesses in a way that makes them sellable.
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Our friends at G5 Leadership are gearing up for their April 13th online event, this time featuring Steve Farber drawing from his recently released book, Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson of True Leadership. The book helps those in leadership positions to focus on helping other people, raising them up to become leaders themselves, being more confident and accomplished in their roles. Here are some of the things you'll learn from this workshop: • Build an aspirational culture • Take risks that improve business performance • Create higher levels of trust among and with your team • Build leadership ability in others • Become a more authentic leader Click here to take part.
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Author Steven Rosenbaum's new book, Curation Nation: How to Win in a World Where Consumers Are Creators, addresses the growing dilemma we all face - how to deal with the onslaught of information in our lives. Here's a Q&A with the author that reveals more about the book: It seems like almost overnight, the web has become a torrent of data. What changed?
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