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The Social Animal is, in part, a book about success--what really drives us toward the superficial accomplishments we tout, where ambition stems from--, but more so it looks at the human experience from numerous perspectives: sociological, neurological, philosophical, anecdotal. He ponders rich questions about how our character is built and evolves, why we remain our own deepest mystery. Brooks succeeds in winding many threads together into a tight braid of story, research, and reflection, with humor and insight.
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It may be no surprise to you that the internet has changed your business, but with the rise in social media, those changes will continue, and will reveal great opportunities for those who are paying attention. Bob Pearson, chief technology and media officer at WCG, has written a book called Pre-Commerce: How Companies and Customers Are Transforming Business Together, describing those changes and how leaders can apply the right knowledge to take advantage of the opportunities they bring. To further describe some of the ideas contained within the book, I sent Mr.
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Tim Sanders lights up the room when he walks in, and his words have a similar effect. The positive messages of his previous books, Love is the Killer App, The Likability Factor, and Saving the World at Work, have inspired both big corporations and small organizations to focus on people, how they can help them, and work better together. His new book, Today We Are Rich: Harnessing the Power of Total Confidence is now available, and it's his best yet.
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This week's inBubbleWrap giveaway is for an eye-opening book called Better By Mistake: The Unexpected Benefits of Being Wrong. Alina Tugend, a New York Times columnist, realizes that we've heard this message before--most often from our parents and early teachers--that we can and should learn from our mistakes and those who are afraid to make them become stagnant with a fear of failure. But Tugend wanted to explore "the inherent tension between what we're told--we must make mistakes in order to learn, how all great leaders and inventors have embraced them--and the reality that we often get punished for making mistakes and therefore try to avoid them--or cover them up.
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Tim Sanders is blowing up our blog today! Having just posted my Q&A with him this morning, I'm now informed that our friends at G5 Leadership will feature Tim for their next event on April 28th. G5 is a great leadership training service that connects people with some of the most sought-after leadership speakers on the circuit.
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