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We really loved the Heath Brother's first book, What Sticks: Why Some Ideas Work in the World and Others Don't, when it first arrived in our office in 2007. So much, in fact, that we saved the manuscript—something we rarely do due to the staggering amount of books we receive every year.
The subtitle was a little unruly, but the ideas spiral-bound up in that plastic cover were concise, well-written, and right on.
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It's a common reaction. When I explain to people that I work for a bookstore that specializes in business books, most people either furrow their brows or wrinkle their noses. Sometimes this reaction is caused by confusion as bookstores, to most people, are brick and mortar locations that display New York Times best selling fiction, spin racks of greeting cards, and children's pictures books.
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If you're in the Vegas area (or are interested in going), be sure to check out this year's BrandManageCamp, run by the great folks at ManageCamp. 2010 marks their 8th event, and this year's lineup is not to be missed. Featuring a bunch of authors we've talked about (and with) at this site before: David Meerman Scott, Jeff Hayzlett, Jackie Huba, Bob Gilbreath, and many more, discussing ideas on building your company's brand.
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If you didn't already know this, 800-CEO-READ powers a business book giveaway site called inBubbleWrap. Once a week, we post a new offer for a free book, usually a new business title. All you have to do is answer two questions related to the giveaway and provide your contact info (that we only use for inBubbleWrap giveaway notices) and you are entered to win!
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I cannot imagine why I have not posted this before - I am greatly ashamed at myself for allowing almost a WHOLE month go by without any of you knowing what people across seas, valleys, mountains and portages were reading in July! I guess it could be because I've been so busy this summer - going to the various Festivals in Milwaukee, seeing Rufus Wainwright in concert, visiting family and friends in neighboring Green Bay and Madison. .
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