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The business book world lit up when author Seth Godin announced recently that he would no longer be publishing through a "traditional way. " After twelve bestselling books, it might be said that he doesn't need to publish another one. But as readers of his blog know, he's not short on ideas, so what will he do with them?
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Last weekend, my co-worker, Roy, and I attended a small theater group's performance of the 1986 Cold War musical Chess. The musical was a huge hit in London, but when it was brought to Broadway, the format of the production was changed and it closed within 2 months. Being friends with theater folks in college introduced both Roy and me to the music and we are two of only a handful of people (my husband being another) we know who remember the show even exists: though perhaps you might know its most recognizable song, One Night in Bangkok.
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About four years ago, I contacted Todd Sattersten from my previous employer and talked to him about some ideas using multimedia for 800-CEO-READ. That discussion lead to creating some unique products for authors - combining books and video to make some limited edition items. It was a great collaboration.
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Last night I had come to the conclusion that I was quitting Facebook and maybe I would delete all of my bookmarked blogs too. Not because anything drastic happened. .
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What thoughts come to mind when you hear 'Design Strategy? ' On the surface, it implies the shape, color, dimension, and placement of objects, but actually, it defines how emotional connections are managed through business. Sound like a big jump?
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