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There's an interesting article by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman over at Newsweek that talks about the decline of creativity in America. Titled, The Creativity Crisis, it focuses on how the lack of creative exercise in education is resulting in young adults who stop asking, "why? ," eventually turning in to adults who make decisions without pursuing all creative angles to solve problems and create positive change.
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Milwaukee will see it's 8th PechaKucha Night on Tuesday, August 17th as we present PechaKucha: For GOOD. This special event, arranged in conjunction with BeGoodGoLocal will feature presentations by people truly making a difference in our community, and the world: Howard Hinterhuer, Gigi Pomerantz, Jennifer Dellegrazio, Teig Whaley-Smith, Mario Hall, Kate Lundeen, Jay Salinas, Ron Doetch, Julie Courtright, and more.
More info can be found at the PKN site.
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Jack Covert and Todd Sattersten's book, The 100 Best Business Books of All Time: What They Say, Why They Matter, And How They Can Help You was published by Portfolio last year. Since then, it's been translated in nine different languages.
Now, it's available as an audio book (in English) through Audible.
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The 72th issue of ChangeThis has gone live for your reading pleasure. Excerpts and links below.
Intelligence Multipliers: Tapping Into Every Company's Underutilized Resource by Liz Wiseman
“Multipliers liberate people from the inherently oppressive forces within corporate hierarchy.
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Hot on the tail of the recent Inc. /800-CEO-READ Business Book Bestseller List, we're launching a series of blog posts called '3x3' - where we'll ask the top three authors from each month's bestseller list three of the same questions.
June's top three authors are: Dave and Wendy Ulrich (The Why of Work), Jim Champy (Reengineering Health Care), and Gregory Salsbury (Retirementology).
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