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Can a doggedly-researched book that relays the historical lineage of error, attempts to uncover the truth beneath truth, and even discusses something as impenetrable as "The Optimistic Meta-Induction from the History of Everything," be charming, accessible and eminently readable? Apparently so because Being Wrong by Kathryn Schulz is just that. Many of us remain uncomfortable with being wrong, in admitting that time and experience won't necessarily prevent us from buying that lemon of a car or hiring the wrong person or adding yet another self-help book to our shelves that will teach us how to stop making the same mistakes.
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If you follow what we do over on ChangeThis, you may have noticed that we publish each manifesto under a Creative Commons license. It is an innovative and easy way to spread ideas and information, letting readers know exactly how they can use and redistribute the work while protecting the author's copyright. And it is work we couldn't do as easily without the Creative Commons.
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Last week, while hanging out at Translator, we talked about corporate use of social media, and how if used poorly, can actually hurt your business more than help it. The lesson being that just because the tools are available, doesn't mean you necessarily need to use them. For instance, I've never used a conche, and don't think I'll ever need to, while it's likely totally useful for others.
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I'm sad to admit that I've had jobs in the past that were difficult to get out of bed to go to. Once at the job, I would try my best to find something interesting about the things going on to occupy some mental space; imagination playing a big role. I would create stories, I would plan projects, and I would accomplish all sorts of things in my head while my body went around completing totally mundane (and sometimes downright unpleasant) tasks.
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Cruising Twitter this morning, I read a quick mention of a talk on TED ("TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. On TED. com, we make the best talks and performances from TED and partners available to the world, for free.
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