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Every month, Penguin/Portfolio posts a new free podcast that you can download from iTunes or listen to on their site called The Business Beat. It was exciting news to hear that The Business Beat was featured in USA TODAY’s “Watch, Listen and Read” column today--it’s on 6B of the Money section, if you have a paper copy on hand--, not only because we love the work that Portfolio does with its business books, but because at the end of every program, Jack reviews a classic business book in his Just Jack! section.
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There are many people who lost their jobs last year, and unfortunately, many of them are still looking for work. For those in this situation, after so long, the frustration and desperation likely only increases. You send out resume after resume every day, and no results.
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Judy Bardwick is the author of One Foot Out the Door, the winner of the first 800-CEO-READ Business Book Award in the Human Resources category in 2007. She coined the term "Psychological Recession" to describe "why your people don’t seem all that excited about coming to work these days," and how that can affect your company’s financial health. You can read more about in an article she wrote for The Conference Board Review.
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If you've looked at anything our company has produced in the past five or six years, whether it's our website, a ChangeThis manifesto, In The Books, The 100 Best, or an invitation to our book awards, you have witnessed the wonderful work Joy Panos Stauber does. She is not officially employed by 800-CEO-READ, but has been a part of our team for many years now, creating our visual identity and helping us communicate with you more effectively. She has also been helping the great crew over at tompeters!
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Announced today was the forthcoming launch of the Inc. /800-CEO-READ Business Book Bestseller list. Compiled from 800-CEO-READs sales data, the list of the top 25 best selling books will appear at inc.
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