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While we've outlined some of the reasons we think you'll love us here, author Seth Godin chimes in with his take in this recent interview with Shopify:
Thanks, Seth!
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Srikumar Rao's book, Happiness at Work: Be Resilient, Motivated, and Successful - No Matter What, is getting a lot of attention these days (it even made the April edition of the Inc. /800-CEO-READ Business Book Bestseller List). I can imagine the title itself draws a lot of attention, as turning work into happiness is certainly not a new challenge.
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For your autodidactic pleasure, it's the 70th issue of ChangeThis. Excerpts and links below.
Living in a Bubble: How Speculative Mania in Home Mortgages Underwrote the Great Recession by Roger Lowenstein
“The bubble began at the dawn of the 21st century, and fed off the elixir of ultra-low interest rates.
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Any healthy person with a brain has the capacity to get through each day, think many interesting things, remember things, accomplish various tasks, and plan for the future. But of course, some people do these things differently (and much better). Are they or their brains different than others?
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As mentioned in a previous post, we've formed a partnership with Inc. Magazine to launch The Business Book Bestseller List. Compiled from our raw sales data, the list appears on Inc.
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