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Last year, Nicholas Carr wrote a book called The Big Switch on how computing was changing history, the economy, and our lives in powerful ways. His new book, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains addresses the issue from a different standpoint: That the internet, while extremely useful, is making us become more dependent on it, and in the process, is literally changing the neurological patterns in our brains, and thus, how we think. Controversial but insightful, this is the kind of book that makes you step aside from routines you didn't even realize you were a part of, and examine them.
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Michael Preis and Matthew Frederick have written an interesting little book called 101 Things I Learned in Business School, which is part of the "101 Things I Learned" series of books. On the surface, it's a listing of 101 points both technically proficient, and philosophically sound. With info on mission statements, accounting, definitions of various business terms, to "how to" issues like culture analysis, looking forward, and sales and advertising practices, this small sized book is really thorough in it's scope, and is perfect for the MBA student as a handy reference, or for anyone else that wants some of the core knowledge without spending a ton on a new degree.
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Whether you're looking to live "off the grid," looking to start your own business, or simply want to find some inspiration to better face challenges in your life, I can't recommend the new book by Mark Frauenfelder, Made by Hand: Searching for Meaning in a Throwaway World highly enough. Many will recognize Frauenfelder as the founder of the blog Boing Boing and the Editor in Chief of Make magazine, but this book is so much more - it's his personal story and insight. The intro describes the author's family's quest to find peaceful living, away from the hectic city life, so they sell their belongings and move to an exotic island.
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➻ If you'd like to get a taste of Bob Sutton's upcoming book, Good Boss, Bad Boss (due out with Business Plus in September), he posted a small gem that didn't make it in the book, the leadership philosophy of John Lilly, CEO of Mozilla: Life is a lot better when I think about my job as one of helping everyone . . .
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