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People Don't Hate Change, They Hate How You're Trying to Change Them by Michael T. Kanazawa  "According to a summary of over 40 research studies on change, the success rate of strategy execution and corporate change programs is 33%. At the same time, a Conference Board survey of over 600 global CEOs revealed that the top two challenges they see are: 1) generating consistent revenue growth and 2) strategy execution.
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As I mentioned yesterday, for the next three days the three co-authors of GLOBALITY: Competing with Everyone From Everywhere for Everything will be hosting our blog and taking your questions. Today, we welcome Hal Sirkin, a senior partner at The Boston Consulting Group's Chicago office and co-author of PAYBACK: Reaping the Rewards of Innovation. - - - - - - - Your Competitors May Not Be Who You Think They Are The subtitle of our new book GLOBALITY: Competing with Everyone From Everywhere for Everything pretty succinctly describes what this new business era is going to be like.
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The BusinessWeek Best Seller list for May 2008 is now available online at businessweek. com. (It typically takes a month to gather sales data from all retailers and distributors and then tabulate the list.
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This week we welcome the three authors of Globality: Competing with Everyone from Everywhere for Everything to our blog to talk about the ideas in their book and what it takes to compete in a world where globalization is common. What is globality? Here's how the authors define it.
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You guessed it! It's that time again to find out what everyone is reading outside of the United States! We had quite a busy month internationally, and here's just a smattering of what was popular: India Mass Career Customization Cathleen Benko and Ann Weisberg Spain Rules to Break and Laws to Follow Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Ph.
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