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MarketingProfs recently posted two of their podcasts from their annual Business-to-Business Forum.
The first being Dan Ariely's, author of Predictably Irrational, keynote on "Unlocking Customer Behavior. .
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Today we have a small article from Joel Zeff, author of Make the Right Choice: Creating a Positive, Innovative and Productive Work Life. A trimmer version has appeared at the Orange County Register blog, and it has been previously posted in it's entirety (as was Zeff's 11 Ideas to Enhance the Creative Process) at the photography blog Black Star Rising. Since most of our dear readers probably don't frequent the OCRegister or BSR, we thought we'd post it for you here.
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Found this today. A Fast Company article on evolutionary economics from Michael Shermer, author of The Mind of the Market.
If the fruit of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 hasn't landed in your bank account yet, it's likely just a matter of time before you're throwing $600 on the bed just to see what it feels like to roll around in that much cash.
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Here's an offering of some random, yet interesting things from the Internet this week!
Book Review: The Office from Hell Cure by Jeffrey A. Landers.
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Hopefully, some of you remember my blog listing about Payback: Reaping the Rewards of Innovation. Well, Harold L. Sirkin, along with 2 other of his colleagues from the Boston Consulting Group have put there minds together in the new book: Globality: Competing with Everyone from Everywhere for Everything.
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