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It's Day 16.
The book and beard are both longer. The book currently weighs in at 87,126 words spread out over 429 manuscript pages.
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The following is an excerpt from the book The Breakthrough Imperative: The Strategies That Drive the World's Best Managers by Mark Gottfredson and Steve Schaubert.
How Great Managers Capture Profit Pools -- and Anticipate or Precipitate Shifts
As a general manager, your job is to devise a strategy for performance improvement. Insight into your customers' preferences and behaviors, and into how those preferences and behaviors might change over time, is essential.
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There's a lot of controversy surrounding yesterday's release of Steve Miller's book, The Turnaround Kid: What I Learned Rescuing America's Most Troubled Companies. Miller is the former CEO of Delphi Corp. , the auto-parts supplier; he was called in to help bail out the company.
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You find Chapter 1 of the 2nd Edition of The Quest for Global Dominance over on our excerpts blog. Even if you've read the first edition, you may want to consider updating your thinking on the global economy with this new offering which includes three new chapters: Lessons from the Globalization of Wal-Mart; Globalizing the Young Venture; and Leveraging China and India for Global Dominance. Jeffrey E.
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The excerpt below is the first chapter of the second edition of The Quest for Global Domination: Transforming Global Presence into Global Competitive Advantage. Originally released to wide acclaim in 2001, the first edition was the result of 20 years of research into over 200 global corporations. This new edition has not only been updated, but contains three entirely new chapters: Lessons from the Globalization of Wal-Mart; Globalizing the Young Venture; and Leveraging China and India for Global Dominance.
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