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The excerpt below is the first chapter--or "week" as the chapters are called--from the new book, Job Spa: 12 Weeks to Refresh, Refocus, and Recommit to Your Career. They call their chapters "weeks" because the suggest you read a chapter a week, applying the lessons from each chapter as you go along. Or, as they put it: "What follows is a twelve-week guide to build professional skills, get refreshed, and explore new paths.
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Major collaboration to help save trees between Random House Publishers, Dr. Seuss and Conservation International: Dr. Seuss' Lorax's Plea: Stop Cutting Trees!
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Publishers Weekly released its bestseller list late last month. A Thousand Splendid Suns topped the fiction category, while The Secret took the top nonfiction spot. But, those books get enough love, so we thought we would list the business titles that show up on the list (they list all books that sold over 100,000 copies in calender year 2007).
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Similar to The Idea Book and Creativity Today, we've taken on another title available only through us: Pecha Kucha Night: A Celebration. Things are a bit different this time around though. While we're excited about this extremely cool book, which shows a pictorial overview of many Pecha Kucha presentations from around the world, we're even more excited that we've become the Milwaukee franchise for Pecha Kucha Night.
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George Washington on Leadership by Richard Brookhiser showed up on my desk the other day and it looked like a very timely read, what with the debates going on and the United States searching for a new president. So, what about the first leader anyway? Why would anything he did be relevant now?
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