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Friday we posted a review of Nudge. Steven Levitt over at the Freakonomics blog recently posted his thoughts on the book, too. It seems he liked it: Which is why I could not have been more surprised and delighted when I finally got to read a copy of their new book Nudge.
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Thanks to John Hammergren, author of Skin in the Game: How Putting Yourself First Today Will Revolutionize Health Care Tomorrow, for offering us this article on his views about the role of business in health care reform. Hammergren is a leader at McKesson Corporation, a 175-year-old heath care company. He writes passionately about the need for corporations to consider and take seriously their role in the health care issues this country is facing.
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The Adventures of Johnny Bunko >>The Wall Street Journal | Please, Johnny, Work Harder Now workplace strategist Daniel H. Pink, who is all of 43, has taken this pattern to outrageous, delightful extremes.
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Facial hair is a popular accessory at 800ceoread. We have folks who sport both beards and mustaches in the office. It was recently suggested that I should join the crowd; do what all the cool kids are doing.
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We have some interesting and counterintuitive advice this month. David Rendall advises us to flaunt our weaknesses, Barry Moltz tells us to temper our ambition, and Robert Rosen believes that we can, and should, use our anxiety to become better leaders. We also have Francis Wade weighing in on time management, suggesting we rid ourselves of the fancy PDA devices and gadgets until we have a grasp on the 7 basic skills needed to manage them.
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