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We've been in Chicago for the past two days for our second annual Author Pow-wow. I'll write more on that soon. There's much to share.
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It has been a little quiet on the blog this week because most of our crew is in the Windy City to meet with business book authors and publishers. I was there yesterday and it was a blast - I'm sure we'll have more to tell you over the next few weeks.
I'll take this opportunity to mention something our sister company, Schwartz Bookshops, is participating in this winter.
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I'm currently reading a very interesting book called, Giving Notice . It's about employee retention and why some workers just leave their work entirely even though they are some of the best, brightest people on their team. Here's just one of the examples given:
One weekend, Eric came into the office to put in more time on an important project.
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I was surfing the net looking for books for a client when I came across the desk calendar for The Power of Now 2008. OK, I know it is just the beginning of December and all and I should have realized this before, but it's going to be 2008 soon! And with all the hubbub of the holidays we tend to not think about our desks at work.
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The News Hour with Jim Lehrer began a new series on America's response to globalization last night, and their first installment focused on our home city of Milwaukee. We don't see Milwaukee on television that often anymore, so it was kind of odd to turn on the news and see them tearing down the old tannery on Water Street. "Wonderful," I thought to myself, "another uplifting story about the demise of the Upper Midwest and decline of manufacturing in America.
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