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There's a new entry up on our Excerpts blog. It's from The Art of War for Women by Chin-Ning Chu, an internationally renowned speaker and the bestselling author of Thick Face, Black Heart.
Chu brings the wisdom of philosopher-general Sun Tzu to women looking to gain a better understanding of who they are and who they want to be.
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I like periodically pointing people to Carnival of The Capitalists. It is a round-up of the best business blogging from around the net. It is hosted by a different blogger each week and you will find it at Business Pundit today.
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Awhile ago Tom recommended Stephen King's On Writing for current or aspiring writers. I ran across an interesting summary/excerpt and thought I'd point you to it.
Takeaway formula:
2nd Draft = 1st Draft – 10%.
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Let My People Go Surfing >> Fortune | Patagonia: Blueprint for green business
The story of how Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard [author of Let My People Go Surfing] took his passion for the outdoors and turned it into an amazing business.
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Go Put Your Strengths To Work >>WSJ. com | Doing More of What You're Good at Doing
The strength of Mr. Buckingham's book is its philosophical base in the late Peter Drucker's classic admonition: "The effective executive makes strength productive.
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