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Ignited Managers! Light Up Your Company and Career  This excerpt is taken from Ignited: Managers! Light Up Your Company and Career by Vince Thompson.
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What does it mean to be a best-selling author? Like everything else, there are various definitions. This particular WSJ article is speaking of the online bestseller lists like those of Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
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Chocolates on the Pillow are not Enough >> Wall Street Journal | The Customers Want More Than Coddling The secret to running a good hotel is making guests feel welcome, providing a memorable experience, and ensuring both physical and psychological security, 24/7.
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I'm going to build off Todd's review of Leading for Growth. I heard about it months ago from its publisher and started reading it on my train ride down to Chicago the other day. Co-author Ray Davis has helped take Umpqua Bank (based in Oregon) into the limelight; I'm sure you've heard of the bank from a number of Fast Company mentions.
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In this interview, I talk with Jackie Huba, co-author with Ben McConnell of Citizen Marketers: When People Are The Message. Citizen Marketers is the next step for Ben and Jackie after their word-of-mouth marketing bible Creating Customer Evangelists. Here are the questions you'll get answered if you listen to this podcast: Why should I care about citizen marketers?
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