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The second event in our LeaveSmarter Series took place last Thursday afternoon. We're crazy busy around here (just ask inBubbleGuy) so we haven't had a chance to blog about it, but we'd be remiss not to mention how enjoyable Ben McConnell's presentation was. He even took a few technical glitches in stride, showing off his shiny red sneakers to keep the momentum going.
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ChangeThis got a nice mention on Seth Godin's blog today. He has a really great entry up about how you can benefit from publishing an e-book. Here's a direct link to the post:
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Some folks started asking us for the 2006 bestsellers. Some how we forgot to do this right after the New Year, and I know many of you are dying to hear the results.
One note on methodology: We award points to a book's position on our monthly list, as well as the number of months it appears on our lists.
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The European Economy Since 1945 >> New York Times | Boom and Bust
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We have a new excerpt up on the ol' excerpts blog. It's Chapter 9 from Ignited by Vince Thompson.
There comes a point when it's time for those in leadership to light a fire under every uninspired and discouraged group.
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