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The Wisdom of Failure: How to Learn the Tough Leadership Lessons Without Paying the Price by Laurence G. Weinzimmer and Jim McConoughey is a thorough look at how leaders have often failed to learn from the mistakes they have made, as well as how leaders can begin to explore the fertile soil of their failures for the seeds of success. The book is well-organized and accessible, thought-provoking and instructive.
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The word "make" instantly conjures up images. Maybe it's a birthday cake or a holiday craft you helped your mom make as a child. Maybe it's the notepad or napkin holder you made in shop class in high school.
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Last week, in honor of Evaluate Your Life Day, we published an issue that will help you do just that. There we point you toward some wonderful books--mostly narratives--that offer us wisdom on living life, on facing dying, on making the most of the time we have, and achieving the things we dreamed of doing when we were young. The first book, Howard's Gift, will not only introduce you to Howard Stevensen, the Harvard Business School professor whose wisdom and mentorship is the focus of this biography by one of his former students, but also opens the door to a number of other books that encourage you to live life with intention, and face mortality with grace.
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Fail first for future success. View your failure as an opportunity, not an obstacle. That's the lesson we investigate in this latest KnowledgeBlocks exploration.
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Over on KnowledgeBlocks (powered by 800-CEO-READ) we're giving away 20 copies of Design Like Apple by John Edson. Entry is open to everyone! So stop on over and sign up to win this impressive and timely book!
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