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We've posted a new Exploration over on KnowledgeBlocks: Slow Down to Think Smarter. It's an age-old adage, most often told in relation to an Aesop's fable, "The Tortoise and the Hare": slow and steady wins the race. But is that still true?
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KnowledgeBlocks welcomes Ora Shtull as our newest Thinker in Residence! Ora helps senior executives in Fortune 100 companies enhance their Leadership Presence – the ability to engage, connect, and influence in the workplace. Executives who have worked with Ora over the past 15 years are thriving at their jobs, being promoted, and making smooth and seamless transitions.
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We've released a new exploration over on KnowledgeBlocks. This month's Being a Leader curriculum is titled: Women on the Rise. KnowledgeBlocks members can enjoy reading through the 5 recommended books and the material we've curated to help you build your business knowledge about why and how women get to the top.
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We welcome a new Thinker in Residence over on KnowledgeBlocks, Don Mercer: author of Follow to Lead. When asked to introduce himself, Don Mercer simply replies: soldier, spy, scholar, statesman, servant and storyteller. He is a former U.
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Warren Bennis--leader, academic, consultant, sage--is blogging on Bloomberg Businessweek. What a fantastic gift to all of us in business as we can always benefit from some perspective and reflection on our daily work. Bennis, now an octogenarian, brings the whole of his life experience to play here in his blog.
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