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A short while ago, I wrote a defense of business books here on the 800-CEO-READ blog, contending that the business book genre includes such a wide range of subgenres that it doesn't deserve the disdain or dismissal it often receives as being pedantic or unappealing to a wider audience. Today, Todd Sattersten contributes a precise retort against the criticism the genre receives by quoting some of the most recent critics and showing the shortcomings of their arguments against the value of business books. There is no right or wrong answer in the argument of whether most business books offer value to readers.
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It's a common reaction. When I explain to people that I work for a bookstore that specializes in business books, most people either furrow their brows or wrinkle their noses. Sometimes this reaction is caused by confusion as bookstores, to most people, are brick and mortar locations that display New York Times best selling fiction, spin racks of greeting cards, and children's pictures books.
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If you didn't already know this, 800-CEO-READ powers a business book giveaway site called inBubbleWrap. Once a week, we post a new offer for a free book, usually a new business title. All you have to do is answer two questions related to the giveaway and provide your contact info (that we only use for inBubbleWrap giveaway notices) and you are entered to win!
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Last weekend, my co-worker, Roy, and I attended a small theater group's performance of the 1986 Cold War musical Chess. The musical was a huge hit in London, but when it was brought to Broadway, the format of the production was changed and it closed within 2 months. Being friends with theater folks in college introduced both Roy and me to the music and we are two of only a handful of people (my husband being another) we know who remember the show even exists: though perhaps you might know its most recognizable song, One Night in Bangkok.
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