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Cruising Twitter this morning, I read a quick mention of a talk on TED ("TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. On TED. com, we make the best talks and performances from TED and partners available to the world, for free.
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Every month, Penguin/Portfolio posts a new free podcast that you can download from iTunes or listen to on their site called The Business Beat. It was exciting news to hear that The Business Beat was featured in USA TODAY’s “Watch, Listen and Read” column today--it’s on 6B of the Money section, if you have a paper copy on hand--, not only because we love the work that Portfolio does with its business books, but because at the end of every program, Jack reviews a classic business book in his Just Jack! section.
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I catch most of my news in quick bursts via NPR while driving around town.
Twice last week, I found myself listening an interview with Corby Kummer, who recently wrote an article for The Atlantic about Wal-Mart's new focus on selling local foods in its food markets. As usual, Wal-Mart sees a market rich with possibility and it is about to jump in--and probably change said market entirely.
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Our newest edition of The Keen Thinker is available today! You can view it here, but remember to sign up to receive it in your inbox every month. And don't forget to drop us a line with your thoughts or suggestions about The Keen Thinker: email us at newsletter@800ceoread.
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This morning we received an email from Noah Fleming (self-described as a "linchpin in training"--which we love), letting us know that he had started a Shelfari for the books in The 100 Best Business Books of All Time. Noah's goal is to read all 100 books by December 31, 2010, and by creating a group on Shelfari, he is encourages others to take up the same challenge. Shelfari is "the premier social network for people who love books" where you can create a virtual bookshelf to feature the books you are reading and create reading groups to discuss those books.
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