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Today, I was running a few minutes late on my way to work so instead of walking into one of my neighborhood's local coffee houses, I entered the Starbucks' drive-thru lane. And sat there. Drummed my fingers on my steering wheel.
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I received a copy of Bas Bleu’s catalog via snailmail the other day. Bas Bleu (means “blue stocking,” the antiquated label used for an educated woman) is a specialty book and gift strictly mail-order company whose motto is: “Champion of the Odd Little Book…and your source for inspired gifts and accessories for readers. ” It surprised me to get this catalog since it seems like the days of hard copy catalogs are far behind us (JCPenney's just announced they will discontinue their Big Book).
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Skimming around Huffington Post during lunch, I found Jesse Kornbluth’s blog post on working with Twyla Tharp on her new book that came out today, The Collaborative Habit: Life Lessons for Working Together. Kornbluth recounts his time working with her on the book, offering us a tasty morsel of insight on what it was like to work with a genius of her ilk. One of Tharp’s earlier books, The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life, was included in the Innovation and Creativity chapter of our The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.
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Just yesterday, I already saw two “Best of the Decade” lists. I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised as it is mid-November 2009, but for whatever reason, it seems the Millennium was just yesterday. One list was NPR.
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If you are in Milwaukee on November 4th, we encourage you to attend Barbara Ehrenreich’s appearance at Alverno College’s Pittman Theater at 7pm. This event is co-sponsored by Boswell Books, a local independent bookstore owned and operated by the former buyer and general manager of the Harry W. Schwartz Bookshops, our former sister company.
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