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As I mentioned in our most recent The Keen Thinker newsletter, I highly recommend reading Sally Hogshead's new book, Fascinate. (Admittedly I feel a strange attachment to Sally because there aren't many of us in the world named Sally, let alone Sally H. And although I did not change my last name when I got married, I've never had much affection Haldorson.
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Volume 2 of The Keen Thinker is now available for your reading pleasure.
Find out the answers to the following persistent questions:
What exactly is a Pecha Kucha?
What is this "freemium" thing everyone is talking about?
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I'm torn about Twitter. Most days I struggle with what to add to our company Twitter account. While I can write a haiku at a drop of a hat, I blank out when trying to create potent 140 character messages.
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There's a new article today on Salon titled: Healthcare Reform Rock Star, featuring one of our favorite authors, Atul Gawande. Gawande is a staff writer for the New Yorker and author of The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right, and Better: A Surgeon's Notes on Performance, books we copiously recommended. And his first book, Complications, garnered rave reviews.
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"The More You Know" is a well-known public service campaign. "The more you know, the more you know" is a oft-used phrase touting the importance of learning, of having endless curiosity about the world. Todd Sattersten (our former president and continued friend of the company) wrote a new e-book, Fixed to Flexible, which offers everything you need to know about "cost, price, margin and the options available to the 21st century business.
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