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“The irreducible essence of leadership is that leaders are people who live their deepest personal values without compromise, and they use those values to make life better for others—that is why people become leaders and why people follow leaders. ” —Stan Slap, Bury My Heart at Conference Room B (Portfolio, August 2010)
If you follow Jack Covert Selects, you may recognize the quote above from Jack's most recent review. It's a quote that Jack and Carol appreciated so much that they asked me to put it on our conference room wall.
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Volume 2 of The Keen Thinker is now available for your reading pleasure.
Find out the answers to the following persistent questions:
What exactly is a Pecha Kucha?
What is this "freemium" thing everyone is talking about?
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Jack copied me on his response to a message he received recently, writing "For an email out of the blue, this is a good one. " The message came from Adrienne Carlson, who runs the Accredited Online PHD University blog. She had written Jack to let him know that she included us in her recent post, 100 Awesome Blogs for Every Kind of Book Lover.
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We have added a new feature to the site called "Books To Watch. "
These are a set of lists categorized by month of books we think are cool. We see so many books that we want to tell you about but often run out of time getting to them all.
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Earlier this year, we released The 100 Best Business Books of All Time.
In making such a bold statement, we received both congratulatory notes and outright condemnation of our selections. As you can imagine, hard decisions had to be made.
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