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If you have seen any of our print materials over the last few years, you'll recognize our new look. There are a number of things we are trying to do with the new site: Make more apparent all the things we do. Provide a better book search Build on more flexible systems like Ruby on Rails and WordPress.
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It has been three weeks since The 100 Best Business Books of All Time launched and I just wanted to write you a note and thank you for all of your support. Twitter has been a-flitter with tweets: http://tinyurl. com/cm9pvp There are 31,000 hits in Google now with most of them written by all of you: http://tinyurl.
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This made my day. The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c Jeff Bezos Daily Show Full Episodes Important Things With Demetri Martin Funny Political News Joke of the Day My favorite Stewart line: "Free shipping for $79 a year is not free shipping.
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Last Wednesday, a little less than one month into my new job, I had to tell seven people they could no longer work here. The numbers in the publishing industry have been pointed down for a number of months. The retail side of our business, Harry W.
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Just a quick note to let you know we're all back in town, ready for a new season of business books. Our launch party in NYC was a great success (thanks to all who joined us! ), and we are looking forward to Jack and Todd's book coming out next week.
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