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The BusinessWeek Best Seller List
December 07 Best Seller list.
(tags: businessbooks business lists bestsellers)
The Associates >> BusinessWeek | "Thieves' Highway"
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Here are some titles that were just recently released in Spanish!
Al frente del cambio (Leading Change) by John P. Kotter
el pequeno libro que bate al mercado (The Little Book that Beats the Market) by Joel Greenblatt
La arana y la estrella de mar (The Starfish and the Spider) by Ori Brafman and Rod A.
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Business author and speaker Jeffrey Gitomer had a great post in his recent newsletter about using books to get out of complacent routines. He says: "Read a book. I've just given away autographed copies of Thinkertoys, by Michael Michalko, to two of my employees who were looking to become more creative.
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Booksellers and industry insiders alike were astounded a few years ago when Elizabeth Kostova's book The Historian went to auction and sold for $2 million to Time Warner, and the movie rights went to Sony for $1. 5 million. What made Kostova's accomplishment so remarkable was that The Historian was her first book, a 600-page, historical fiction tome.
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800-CEO-READ, The Eisner Museum of Advertising and Design, and MARN will host the first in a series of panel discussions on the direct impact of design on business. The event will be held at the Eisner Museum on Tuesday, February 26, 2008, at 7PM. For more info and to register click here.
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