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AdAge >> Overthink This: Your World Just Came Out in Hardcover
"The book I've been recommending to everyone lately is a brilliant first novel titled "Then We Came to the End" by a young New York writer named Joshua Ferris.
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The Cubicle Survival Guide >> The Wall Street Journal | The Best Way to Labor Away in Our Little Boxes
The latest entry in the growing corpus of workplace-whacking is "The Cubicle Survival Guide: Keeping Your Cool in the Least Hospitable Environment on Earth," by first-time author and Web-site production coordinator James F. Thompson.
(tags: businessbooks humor general_business)
Ignorance, Confidence, and Filthy Rich Friends >> The Wall Street Journal | Twain's Roughing It
His slim volume is less a biography than a sketch of the writer's entrepreneurial and investing life.
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Have you heard of Nicholas Feltron?
He lives in NYC.
He's 29 years old.
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Flower Confidential: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful in the Business of Flowers
This excerpt is taken from Flower Confidential: The Good, The Bad, and the Beautiful in the Business of Flowers by Amy Stewart. Flower Confidential takes us inside the flower trade and reveals what has been gained (and lost) by the new varieties and unusual breeds created in labs, and, of course, the worldwide
market for flowers.
“What's the first thing a person does when you hand them flowers?
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Strengths Finder 2. 0 is a short book, so Tom Rath and I did a short interview. We talk about things like:
What changes have been made in the Strengths Finder 2.
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