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ChangeThis has a new set of manifestos for your consumption. Bob Sutton gives the alternate argument to his best-selling book with a piece titled The Upside of Assholes. Consultant Mark Graban says the things Toyota does to make great cars can help healthcare.
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In The Halo Effect, author Phil Rosenzweig challenges the neat conclusions and timeless principles that business experts create to explain high performance. And he focuses his sharpest critique on Jim Collins, who is arguably the most influential management thinker today (gee—not so dumb a target to pick if he wants exposure….
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Get ready for the second installment of the LeaveSmarter event series. In just two weeks, on Thursday, March 22, Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba will be in Milwaukee to talk about Citizen Marketers: When People are the Message.
Ben and Jackie are writers and consultants based in Chicago.
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I did a interview with Tom Rath of Gallup on Monday. We will be posting that in a couple of weeks, but I wanted to share something that he said during the interview.
A little background first.
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The Mormon Way of Doing Business
byJeff Benedict
The following excerpt is taken from The Mormon Way of Doing Business: Leadership and Success Through Faith and Family by Jeff Benedict. Through original interviews with top business executives (including the CEOs of JetBlue, Delitte & Touche, Dell Computer, Harvard Business School, and more), Benedict examines and discovers how their Mormon beliefs have influenced them, and enabled them to achieve incredible success.
"In business situations we get well prepared and we go in undaunted.
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