Relationship Between Human Resource Department: And Efficiency

The Relationship Between Human Resource Department: And Efficiency

By Johnny Ch Lok

The final point, a firm's human resources must not be subject to replacement by technological development, e. g. artificial intelligence, computer, information technology, internet or other substitutes of they are to provide a source of competitive advantage. Although, when the organization can choose to apply technologies investment to replace all employees or many employees to do their tasks in order to manufacture any products.


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Book Information

Publisher: Independently Published
Publish Date: 03/26/2019
Pages: 418
ISBN-13: 9781091656666
ISBN-10: 1091656665
Language: English

Full Description

The final point, a firm's human resources must not be subject to replacement by technological development, e.g. artificial intelligence, computer, information technology, internet or other substitutes of they are to provide a source of competitive advantage. Although, when the organization can choose to apply technologies investment to replace all employees or many employees to do their tasks in order to manufacture any products. However, the labor saving technological method is not suitable to half-service industry. For example, a restaurant can use robots to replace waitors to deliver food to clients to eat. It is simple food delivery tasks. But it is not good to apply robots to replace cookers to do their cooking tasks, because robot cooker's cooking skill, it is difficult to imitate human cooker's cooking skill in order to make same or similar, even better food taste to let restaurant clients to feel better food taste. For the restaurant's cashier task example, because casher;s calculation ability will be netter to compare (AI) 's calculation ability. Human cashier's calculation error chance will be lesser to compare robot cashier's calculation skills. So, if the restaurant's all cookers, waitors and cashiers whose tasks all are replaced by robots. It will bring under utilized consequence because robots can not perform above their maximum potential more easier than human employees in the restaurant's long term working hours every day, because the restaurants employ more than one staff to prepare to replace the staff when he/she feels tired to need rest. Otherwise, these all restaurant positions, it has only one robot to do its position in the restaurant. I believe that these three cashier and cooker and waitor robots will be used to the maximum of utilization, then they will be older and calculation, walking and cooking speed and effort will also be slow and poor when they are used long hours every day to serve clients in the restaurant.Thus, when one service organization, it can not only concentrate on robots to replace human employees to do their positions' all tasks. It will perform worse than the service organizaion, it only uses robots to replace some employees to do some tasks and some positions still use human employees to do themselves tasks. Otherwise, one manufacturing organization, e.g. car manufacturing organization, it may apply robots to participate some part of human employees' manufacturing tasks in the car manufacturing process. It will help human empoyees to manufacturing can productivities and efficiencies more than the another car manufacturing firm only employs human workers to manufacture all cars in car manufacturing process every day. When the later car manufacturing neglects to apply robots to participate the whole car manufacturing process to assist human workers to manufacture cars. Then, the later only applying human workers' car manufacturing firm which will have worse productivities and inefficiencies to compare the prior car manufacturing firm to apply both robots and human workers to manufacture any kinds of cars in whole car manufacturing process. The reason is because human workers must feel tried when they need concentrate their nevous to manufacture many cars every day. If robots can participate their car manufacturing tasks to share work load to assist they to finish some more difficult or complex part of tasks, then they will feel less nervous and they reduce pressure to manufacture the complex part of car manufacturing process. Then, their efficiency and productive performance will be raised in possible.⦁ Can HRM practice influence employee individual skills through the HR development of a firm's human capitals in organization?

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