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By Astra Taylor
What is democracy really. What do we mean when we use the term. And can it ever truly exist. Astra Taylor, hailed as a "New Civil Rights Leader" (LA Times), provides surprising answers. There is no shortage of democracy, at least in name, and yet it is in crisis everywhere we look. From a cabal of thieving plutocrats in the White House to campaign finance and gerrymandering, it is clear that democracy--specifically the principle of government by and for the people--is not living up to its promise.
"The volume pursues the following critical questions for our increasing diverse societies. How can diversity be reconciled with a republican democracy? How do we deal with the disproportionate distribution of wealth, opportunity, and power? How do we create a society in which groups are equal and one group is not dominant? The contributors to this volume explore the relationship between social diversity, justice, and democracy and consider how the phenomenon of social diversity should inform our thinking about both justice and democracy. The contributors argue that full integration requires the absence of domination by one group over the entire society. A fully-functioning diverse society does not expect everyone to become like the dominant group but rather to have the same opportunities"--
By Rachel Johnson
"The true story of how Rachel Johnson - born into one of Britain's most famous political families - tries and fails to get elected in the 2019 hard-fought effort to stop Brexit, running against her older brother, Boris, and what she learns in the process about politics, ambition, family, marriage, and winning and losing"--
African American Political Thought offers an unprecedented philosophical history of thinkers from the African American community and African diaspora who have addressed the central issues of political life: democracy, race, violence, liberation, solidarity, and mass political action. Melvin L. Rogers and Jack Turner have brought together leading scholars to reflect on individual intellectuals from the past four centuries, developing their list with an expansive approach to political expression.
By Tongdong Bai
How a hybrid Confucian-engendered form of governance might solve today's political problems What might a viable political alternative to liberal democracy look like. In Against Political Equality, Tongdong Bai offers a possibility inspired by Confucian ideas. Bai argues that domestic governance influenced by Confucianism can embrace the liberal aspects of democracy along with the democratic ideas of equal opportunities and governmental accountability to the people.
By John Hoffecker
Modern Humans is a vivid account of the most recent--and perhaps the most important--phase of human evolution: the appearance of Homo sapiens in Africa less than half a million years ago and their spread throughout the world. John F. Hoffecker demonstrates that Homo sapiens represents a major transition in the evolution of living systems.
By Jose-Miguel Fernandez-Dols, James A Russell
The Science of Facial Expression brings together leading figures in this increasingly fragmented field, summarizes current conclusions in each of the subfields, summarizes the available conceptual frameworks implicit in the research, and gives everyone a sense of shared history.
By Vikram Mansharamani
We've outsourced too much of our thinking. How do we get it back. Have you ever followed your GPS device to a deserted parking lot. Or unquestioningly followed the advice of an expert—perhaps a doctor or financial adviser—only to learn later that your own thoughts and doubts were correct. And what about the stories we've all heard over the years about sick patients—whether infected with Ebola or COVID-19—who were sent home or allowed to travel because busy staff people were following a protocol to the letter rather than using common sense.
By Jordan Gross
Bestselling author and TEDx speaker Jordan Gross's What Happens in Tomorrow World? offers a poignant, relatable, and necessary parable for navigating uncertainty.
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