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By Cory Richards
"Growing up in the mountains of Utah, Cory Richards was constantly surrounded by the outdoors. His father, a high school teacher and a ski patroller, spent years teaching Richards and his brother how to ski, climb, mountaineer, and survive in the wild. Despite a seemingly idyllic childhood, the Richards home was fraught with violence, grief, and mental illness. After being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and dropping out of high school, Richards subsumed himself in the worlds of photography and climbing, seeking out the farthest reaches of the world to escape the darkness. Then, in the midst of a wildly successful career in adventure photography, a catastrophic avalanche changed everything, forcing Richards to confront the trauma of his past, evaluate his own mental health, and learn to rewrite his story"--
By Alexander Ward
The inside story of Biden's foreign policy team and their struggle to restore America's global influence in the aftermath of Trump When Joe Biden assumed the United States presidency, he brought with him a team of all-star talent, perhaps the most experienced ensemble of policy experts in modern U. S.
By Susan Lieu
"Susan Lieu has long been searching for answers. About her family's past, and about her own future. Refugees from the Vietnam War, Susan's family escaped to California in the 1980s after five failed attempts. Upon arrival, they became experts at the "refugee hustle." Susan's mother was their savvy, beautiful, charismatic north star. She pulled them out of poverty and orchestrated every success. Until Susan was eleven. That year, her mother died as a result of negligence during a routine plastic surgery...seeking beauty treatments she didn't need."--
By Kelly L Campbell
"You don't outrun or outgrow the formative experiences that have shaped who you are. So, it makes sense that your emotional history would also be the foundation of your leadership style. If what got you to this point may now be the very thing that is holding you back, then Heal to Lead was written for you. Everything you've read about conscious leadership is based on self-awareness and personal growth, yet the missing link has been trauma healing. If you want greater collaboration with your people, the confidence to inspire growth in your organization, and a more meaningful connection to yourself, your community, and the natural world, it's time to do the inner work. This book shows you how to develop high-conscious leadership, rooted in deep introspection, vulnerability, compassion, and reciprocity with all beings"--
"From storytelling phenomenon and hit podcast The Moth, featuring contributions from Elizabeth Gilbert, Quiara Alegrâia Hudes, and Lin-Manuel Miranda alongside tales of an international rescue mission for Paddington Bear, a family matriarch running numbers in Detroit, an epic Lucha libre showdown in Mexico City, and more. An inspiring and entertaining collection of unforgettable true stories about finding unexpected beauty in life's transitions. Carefully selected by the creative minds at The Moth and adapted to the page to preserve the raw energy of stories told live, onstage and without notes, readers of The Moth Presents: A Point of Beauty will encounter moments that cut and moments that heal. If we look closely enough, we can find real beauty in moments when our lives change forever-for better or for worse"--
By Debra Hendrickson
"Pediatrician Debra Hendrickson is based in Reno, the fastest warming city in America, where ash rains during wildfires. Here she recounts patients harmed by air pollution to show health impacts of climate change"--
By Stephen I Sideroff
"The 9 Pillars of Resilience will help you to establish life-long physical, emotional, and mental patterns for mastering stress, fostering resilience, increasing longevity, and living a joyful, balanced life"--
By Samantha Harte
Turning trauma into triumph Samantha Harte has had her share of heartbreak. Now fourteen years sober, she has suffered through her mother's mental illness; betrayal by partners; the loss of her sister, friends, and father; multiple miscarriages; and her addiction to drugs and alcohol. Desperate for a path through the pain, she was forced to confront the hardwiring toward perfectionism that kept her sick and embrace the rewiring required to truly recover and heal.
By Alison Taylor
Named one of the "Best books of 2024: Business" by the Financial Times An indispensable guide to help companies navigate the new era of ethical challenges and risks in a volatile global landscape. Today's headlines teem with employee unrest over racial injustice, communities infuriated by corporate environmental impacts, staff anxiety over surveillance, public outrage over corruption in business, and discoveries of child labor in supply chains.
By Adam Shatz
"A revelatory new biography of the writer-activist Frantz Fanon, who inspired today's movements for racial liberatio"--
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