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By Porchlight
Here, Dave Platter warns of the dangers of the constant connectivity that social media demands. He presents a subtle argument that whatever self-image we create for ourselves as a result of our web popularity is ephemeral. He encourages us to not rely too heavily on how many emails we receive to determine our self-worth. Instead, to disconnect is to remind ourselves that we are present, human, of the physical world. It is a lesson worth remembering.
September 05, 2007
Author and psychiatrist, Mark Goulston, reveals the critical warning signs of a potentially violent teenager. Many people can shrug off insults or irritations, but a combination of biological, psychological and social factors work to create a violent young person. Goulston also offers methods to calm down an angry teen (or anybody) and how to heal from a violent episode.
October 03, 2007
The recent recall of Mattel toys made in China is proof that modern supply chains are complex and require more than mastering work flow and logistics. Here, the authors offer that in a flat world, the world is our factory, and a new focus on networks, a balance between control and empowerment and optimizing value through integration.
November 15, 2007
Innovation is the critical capability for all organizations trying to succeed in today's marketplace. But the case for innovation cannot be made solely on the basis of the economic value it creates for customers. It is equally important for enterprises and their leaders to embrace the 6 underlying core values of innovation as an integral element for a more vibrant future. This manifesto explores these values and explains how leaders can infuse them into their organizations in various ways.
December 13, 2007
By David Maister
David Maister offers advice on how to fight strategic flab and make change happen by encouraging a diet of good habits and short-term goals.
July 04, 2006
Here's just a taste of Seth Godin's latest book, small is the new big, a plentiful well of inspiration for your business and you.
August 04, 2006
By John Ehrenfeld
John Ehrenfeld proposes a radically different conversation about sustainability, one that moves away from mere problem solving, demands a new definition and envisions infinite possibilities.
This inclusive manifesto will introduce you to the principles and concepts of Web 2.0, so you can prepare your organization for this technological sea change.
By Charles Halton
What does it take to change the world? To change people? To make a difference, every day? Charles Halton presents 18 characteristics to help you create transformational experiences.
In this succinct and timely manifesto, Derek Powazek demands that web designers learn to write in order to optimize the user's experience.
September 06, 2006
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