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"We live in a world that's still filled with barriers and limits, a culture where too often people are judged, stripped of their dignity, and denied true freedoms. But at the same time, the economic and technological shifts around us have created an entirely new class of ruckus makers and have given people the freedom to stand up and acknowledge that it's their turn."
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"Because we all hold on pretty tight to what we know, even if it ain't so, we tend to push back on the notion of feedback—solicited or not. How do you work up the courage to admit your reality may not actually be the reality and seek out the opinions of others? As with everything related to change, it all starts with making a personal choice—taking accountability for seeing things as they really are."
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"When we think about extraordinary workplaces, we tend to think of the billion dollar companies at the top of Fortune magazine's annual list. We picture a sprawling campus, rich with generous amenities; a utopian destination where success is constant, collaborations are seamless, and employee happiness abounds. But as it turns out, many of the assumptions these images promote mislead us about what it means to create an outstanding workplace. In recent years, scientists in a variety of fields have begun investigating the conditions that allow people to work more successfully. What they've discovered is that in an astonishing number of cases, not only are the factors that contribute to creating a great workplace not obvious—they are surprisingly counterintuitive. Here are five great workplace myths we routinely get wrong."
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"What if I told you that there is a gold mine of new business that you're probably missing out on? And what if I told you that these will be the easiest to find, most loyal, and highest grossing customers you will ever find? These are what I call, your evergreen customers. Your evergreen customers are the ones you already have. They are the ones who can provide eternal life, growth, and regeneration for your business. In this day and age, too many companies ignore their evergreen customers and are squandering this most precious resource in the endless pursuit of new customers. Of course the goal of every company is to grow. I'd be crazy to suggest otherwise. But in actuality, it's the loyal customers that are the beating heart of a great business, and it's the companies that ignore this, by placing greater emphasis on customer acquisition, will most likely to end up stalling their own growth."
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"What's the best way to have a better life? Just do this one thing: Get rid of the jerks. Yes, that's right, get rid of those people who are bothering you, the people who hold you back, the ones who don't appreciate you, the ones who complain all the time, the ones who are always criticizing you, the ones who drive you nuts, the ones who just tolerate you. In short, the jerks. I have had them in my life. Too many of them. Consulting clients who always pushed for a price cut and were never satisfied with the work I had done for them. Faculty colleagues who spent more time spreading rumors than doing research. Gossipers who would suck me in to conversations berating others. I often didn't know they were jerks because it was so comfortable being with them. I just figured everyone was like that. It took me a while to learn otherwise."
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