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"Getting ambushed sucks, no doubt about it. The ability to fight your way through to the other side, however, is what sets great leaders apart."
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"Something extraordinary is happening. Humankind's increasing interconnectedness is causing a global transformation of values and expectations, at both the individual and societal level. The shift is reaching a tipping point that will transform business forever.
You don't have to be an economic detective or business futurist to see myriad signs of the unstoppable rise of a new set of economic prerogatives that prioritize proactive positive impact on people and planet. Consider this short list: the emergence of universally available virtual education, the mainstreaming of environmental consciousness on the political and business agenda, the accelerating growth of the organic and Fairtrade foods industry, the growth of impact investing as a sector, the innovation in biosensor-enabled mobile healthcare solutions—these phenomena and more herald a mass movement for good that's great for humanity. And for business."
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"Who do you want to be as a leader? What impact do you want to have? How do you want people to experience you? No matter where you fall in the organizational structure, your ability to shape both the organizational culture and how others perceive you is a direct result of the level of intention with which you operate. What does it mean to operate with intention? It is consciously deciding to lead by design rather than by default; being mindful of who it is you want to be and then living into that picture twenty-four hours a day. It is about seeing opportunities every day, in every interaction, to shape the tone, the experience, and the outcome of those interactions. It is being aware that everything you do sends a message: what you say and how you say it, what you do and how you do it, even what you choose not to say or do. It is realizing that the system you work in does not tell you who you get to be; you decide who you get to be.
Seeing your 'self' as the primary tool for achieving high-level results is a concept that may seem like common sense, but it is far less commonly practiced and even less often developed in professionals as they grow in their careers."
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"In the new world of deep interconnectivity, what we call the Social Age, leaders are confronted with challenges that constantly test 'who they are' while making each of these tests public with everyone able to comment. ... Social Age leadership challenges ... five areas of 'who we are' as leaders that most impact our leadership narrative. ... There is no one right way to lead in these five areas. Rather, they are aspects of who you are as a person. Thriving as a leader in the Social Age means taking a good look at your self and understanding how you are most productive in each of these five areas."
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"A 2011 university study suggested people check their phones 34 times per day. However, industry insiders believe that number is closer to an astounding 150 daily sessions.
Face it, we're hooked.
The technologies we use have turned into compulsions, if not full-fledged addictions. ...
How do companies, producing little more than bits of code displayed on a screen, seemingly control users' minds? What makes some products so habit-forming?
For many products, forming habits is an imperative for survival. As infinite distractions compete for our attention, companies are learning to master novel tactics to stay relevant in users' minds. Today, amassing millions of users is no longer good enough. Companies increasingly find that their economic value is a function of the strength of the habits they create. In order to win the loyalty of their users and create a product that's regularly used, companies must learn not only what compels users to click, but also what makes them tick."
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