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"If you have ever tried to discuss word-of-mouth marketing, you've likely confronted the many myths and misconceptions that surround it. It may be statements like "Oh, that costs too much" or "There's technology that does that for you already," or it may be a question like "Isn't that just social media?" All of these people come from a place of wanting the best for your company. In the many years that I've been doing this, I've heard every single one of them. By now, I've gotten pretty good at responding. Maybe I can help you do it too."
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"Perseverance is the singular quality that Everest summiteers and the business elite have in common. We don't believe that perseverance is an intrinsic quality possessed by the fortunate few. On the contrary, we're convinced that anyone can accomplish great feats if they summon the will required to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Successful individuals know how to motivate themselves to achieve peak performance. They know what internal levers to pull when their engines of determination start to flag."
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"My call to entrepreneurship happened in an unusual manner, when I was just 12 years old. A mysterious one-armed man approached me and set me off on a journey that would eventually include the launch of several companies—some successful, some not.
This manifesto both celebrates and encourages entrepreneurship because we need entrepreneurs to fight the dragons that roam the globe. Yes, dragons. They sit in plain sight: civil wars, extreme poverty, disease, water scarcity, domestic violence, illiteracy, and so many others.
While the work of relief agencies and social welfare groups is vital—especially in response to acute crises—for lasting change we need modern-day heroes who courageously take personal risks as they build new companies."
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"The term 'growth hacker' has many different meanings for different people, here's my definition:
A growth hacker is someone who has thrown out the playbook of traditional marketing and replaced it with only what is testable, trackable, and scalable. Their tools are emails, pay-per-click ads, blogs, and platform APIs instead of commercials, publicity, and money. While their marketing brethren chase vague notions like "branding" and "mind share," growth hackers relentlessly pursue users and growth—and when they do it right, those users beget more users, who beget more users. They are the inventors, operators, and mechanics of their own self-sustaining and self-propagating growth machine that can take a startup from nothing to something."
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"The best leaders make us feel unsure of ourselves.
They help us recognize that what we think is true, is not. Their reflections make us stop and think. Then their questions break down our frames. They create these disruptions with courage, care, respect, and a firm belief in our highest potential. Although we are uncomfortable, this moment of uncertainty allows us to formulate a broader view of what we can do and who we can be. These leaders strengthen people as well as organizations."
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