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"Career development appears at the top of many lists. Unfortunately, the lists tend to be those focused on what employees desperately want but are not getting from their managers.
As for managers, most appreciate the value of career development and really wish they could do it—more frequently and more effectively than they currently do. But let's face it: a manager's day-to-day reality is a kaleidoscopic blur of meetings, responsibilities, and shifting priorities. Helping employees to develop and grow is one of many activities perpetually pushed out in time to that elusive 'someday' that too rarely comes.
How can managers get past this conundrum? How can they make career development happen within the pressure-cooker reality that is business today? The answer is definitely NOT new systems, checklists, processes, or forms. Those have actually contributed to the problem."
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Your reputation is your brand. Your brand is your reputation. And it makes a world of difference in every relationship you have.
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"'How?' is not just a question. HOW is the answer.
HOW. We'll see that word a lot in this manifesto. Simply stated, HOW is the belief that in our more interconnected and interdependent world, we rise and fall together. The way to forge a better, more sustainable path of growth and progress lies in the realm of human behavior—HOW we do what we do. The days of "It's not personal; it's just business" are over. We truly have entered the Era of Behavior.
Leaders have become successful at measuring "how much" by out-selling and out-spending. But instead of asking "how much", we should be examining HOW. How we behave, lead, consume, build trust in our relationships, and relate to others has always mattered but in an age when everything can be tweeted and blogged about and where there is no such thing as private behavior, HOW matters more than ever and in ways it never has before."
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"Our job market is in a perpetual state of turmoil these days. Every month, we hold our breaths waiting for some positive sign in the unemployment numbers, and every month it seems we are disappointed.
The gains that have been made since the official end of the recession in 2009 have been minimal, and the changes we see in jobless rates each month are nominal at best. This economic twilight zone puts everything is on hold—our careers, our dreams for our family, our most basic happiness. We bite our nails and turn to one another asking "How long can this go on? When will things go back to normal?"
But in our modern age, this age of Vocational Darwinism, the only people we can truly expect the answers to come from is ourselves.
And the only way to answer those questions and take life off hold is to adapt."
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"In education the starting point is what you don't know.
Before you can begin your research or frame your experiments you'd better make sure that you are asking the right questions about what you don't know. Trying to understand the universe through science can only come from a place of not knowing.
Innovation and creativity can only exist with the wonder of not knowing. I wonder what will happen if I mix this thing here with this thing over here. I don't know but would love to find out. Curiosity is born from not knowing.
Not knowing therefore can help us change and grow."
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