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In response to Howard Schulz's memo citing his concern over the direction Starbucks is headed, John Moore, a former long-time marketer at Starbucks, enlists the 'Starbucks Board of Customers' (i.e. readers of Moore's blog and Starbucks customers) to propose which changes the company must make to maintain (reclaim?) its integrity.
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As humans, we crave communication and understanding; we crave authentic relationships. And we think that cell phones and email and the Internet will help us find the key to that fairy-tale myth of happily-ever-after that sustains our culture. Instead, we lose authentic connection. Elizabeth Johnson shows you just how essential authentic relationships are to your quality of life and the steps you should take to reconnect.
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The contact point between your customers and your company is at the front door, at the front counter, on the frontline. And most of your frontline associates are very competent people who can do the work, but George Reavis warns that most companies fail to make the distinction between perfunctory performance and enthusiastic engagement. Here he offers tools for providing the right kind of motivating feedback to jumpstart a cycle of engagement between management, frontline employees and customers.
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So, you've got an idea. A big idea. But will your idea take flight? Not if you let your concept be killed by all the usual excuses you hear from your managers, your bosses, your spouses—excuses motivated by fear or possessiveness. In this wide-ranging manifesto, Iva offers you ways to persuade someone to embrace your idea, to not be swayed by negative responses, and to utilize your creativity.
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A revolution in business has arrived, one built of human assets such as knowledge, information and collaborative exchanges, absent the noisy clamor of factories or the hum of machinery. And who better to shape the role of management during this revolution than the ageless voice of Peter Drucker, whose forward-thinking ideas on meaningful strategy still resonate and can act as a spur for innovation.
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