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Women are the power consumers and connectors of the Internet, and yet, their influence has mostly been invisible to the mainstream media and industry pundits. The BlogHer web community was created to offer a centralized location for women bloggers, creating one voice out of many whispers.
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Cherkoff and Moore present inspiring examples of open source marketing that prove engagement trumps control in maximizing customer experience and making meaning. It may be a platitude to say that two heads are better than one, but this manifesto features collaboration in a whole new light—between company and consumer.
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Adrian Savage proposes a return to civilization and humanity in organizations. Does this sound something like your day at the office? You are driving on a rain-soaked freeway. The other cars are speeding past you. You speed up to stay in the flow, but your knuckles are white as you grip the wheel. Familiar? Here's how to find the next exit.
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How far are you willing to go to facilitate change in your organization? Management expert, David Maister, says you've got to be willing to go first. And he means all the way, even to the point of resigning if your change efforts fail. Instead of saying "Charge!" to the troops, say "Follow me!".
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