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Here, June Casagrande (so not your ninth grade English teacher) will reassure you that it's okay not to care about grammar. Just what you wanted to hear! But with humor and enthusiasm, she will show you how grammar can be fun and worth a little bit of your time. So, uncover your eyes and learn her lesson. This won't hurt a bit
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Wal-Mart. Home Depot. Walgreens. The proof of corporate retail expansion is evident at almost every freeway exit ramp. But at what cost? A blighted landscape. A lack of diversity. The demise of community. An environmental crisis. Stacy Mitchell's manifesto arms us for the fight.
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Technology is endangering our privacy. Every company that we do business with holds a representation of ourselves somewhere in their data stores. Because laws make poor privacy guidelines, David Holtzman presents seven ethical ways for companies to handle our information.
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The citizen investor is you. Me. Uncle Joe. With our investment comes the power to demand better of the corporations we invest in. This revolution in corporate ownership demands a revolution in corporate management, and this manifesto shows how to get it done.
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A serial entrepreneur and wealth consultant, Alicia Castillo Holley, breaks down the negative habits that prevent us from gaining wealth. Written to address many individual viewpoints, she offers insight into how we can break those habits by first identifying them and then defying them.
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