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Most of us think of feedback as a one-way communication. If I have feedback to give,
then I tell, you listen. … It’s gloriously simple and it’s often ineffective.
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Outsiders often scratch their head at how family businesses seem to defy conventional business rules. That’s because family businesses are different.
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These behaviors are universal, and they have stood the test of time and place. Moreover,
hundreds of independent scholars have validated this framework in their own studies
investigating the central role leadership plays in personal well-being, organizational
productivity, and effectiveness. The evidence is clear: exemplary leadership is found in
every corner of the globe, every sector of society, every community, every organization,
and every type of individual.
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You will be remembered more for what you do in a crisis than what you do in calm. Effective leaders identify how they want to be remembered after the crisis ends. They take action to achieve their desired impact. We will all leave a legacy as a leader. The question is whether that legacy will be by design or default.
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We can’t see our own biases when we’re surrounded by them. When we demonstrate empathy toward others, we’re suspending our own beliefs, agendas, and interests in an effort to understand those of others. We make space for real breakthroughs to occur.
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