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"With the interconnectedness of the modern world comes the heightened risk of new biological threats. We can no longer blissfully imagine we’re somehow immune to the threat or think there won’t be another pandemic after COVID-19 fades into the rearview mirror of our collective consciousness. We have an obligation as citizens to change how we think about the norm of powering through."
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Whether you are a business owner or a leader in a multinational conglomerate, if you really care about succeeding in the future you will prioritize WE-building as though your organizations depend on it.
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Self-doubt affects each and every profession from medicine to manufacturing, from finance to technology. The analytical mindset pushes us to answer in absolute terms only. It pushes us to activate only one part of the mind in the search for an answer. It shuns any creative input that can arise from thinking in a different and unique way. As such, it continues to rob countless people, professionals, and businesses of their potential for the betterment of everyone everywhere.
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Perhaps you have been a leader in your community for many years. Maybe you’ve joined the fight for change recently. Or, you may be trying to figure out how to plug in. Wherever you find yourself on the path toward justice, we need you in the fight through thick and thin.
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