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"Likely you have been schooled in many rational strategies, but you probably never received any training that fosters relational intelligence. Relational Intelligence is the ability to connect with those who think differently through communication, understanding, learning and trust. It is what enables you to grow yourself with another.

In this age of complexity, chaos, and constantly changing teams, the more skill you have to work and relate across differences, the more effective and happier you will be. For twenty years the two of us have been passionately developing and offering strategies for senior leaders around the world that increase relational intelligence."
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"Non-profit organizations can be fragile things. In the beginning, they need a lot of tender loving care. But just because you make it out of that first rough year, don't expect smooth sailing. Fewer than 50% of all non-profits make it to their 5th birthday! Not exactly a mortality rate to be proud of.

Just like new parents often need a 'how to' book, so do new non-profit CEOs. So here it is, a guide for helping your organization flourish and live well into old age ... "
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"High-Stakes Leadership has a ring of drama, for good reason. When risk is great and uncertainty low, missteps can have catastrophic results. When we think of high-stakes most of us can name the obvious situations. Too often, we think that people who lead in high-stakes matters are special people. They are not. You do not need to be a special person, with super-human powers and nerves of steel as the examples in this manifesto will show. What do you need? Courage, character, judgment, and fortitude."
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"Most people don't think big enough, which could be the biggest factor limiting their success. And, yes, that includes you.

Ponder that for a second.

Sure, there are lots of outside forces that could be holding you back—I am certain you could come up with a laundry list. And I am not saying those impediments aren't real.

But, what I am saying is that one of the main things that is probably holding you back is inside you, and not some outside force."
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"Maybe my story wasn't a big story. I hadn't begun a new company, or invented a new product. I hadn't yet written a book. I didn't have as prominent a voice or as large a platform from which to speak as some of the others. But I did truly believe that my story was emblematic of the cumulative work all feminists have labored under with every act that inches us toward equality, and emblematic of the struggles all professional women face as we labor toward our dreams. I had my life, and I had my work, and I was simultaneously blessed and burdened by the effort to maximize the potential of both."
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