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Running the Gauntlet: Essential Business Lessons to Lead, Drive Change, and Grow Profits by Jeffrey Hayzlett with Jim Eber, McGraw-Hill, 256 pages, $26. 00, Hardcover, December 2011, ISBN 9780071784092
Change often isn’t pretty and Jeffrey Hayzlett should know. In his second book, Running the Gauntlet, written in collaboration with business writer Jim Eber (as was his first, the best-selling The Mirror Test), he provides vivid detail of his adventures as a corporate change agent.
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Emotional Equations: Simple Truths for Creating Happiness + Success by Chip Conley, Free Press, 288 pages, $24. 00, Hardcover, January 2012, ISBN 9781451607253
Chip Conley bares his soul in his second book, Emotional Equations, and in doing so helps us understand our own. It is painful at times, as he recounts his own doubts and darker moments in life and business, tells us of four friends that took their own lives in one economically depressed summer, and relates the story of when his own heart literally stopped after a business presentation, landing him in the hospital.
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Situations Matter: Understanding How Context Transforms Your World by Sam Sommers, Riverhead, 304 pages, $25. 95, Hardcover, December 2011, ISBN 9781594488184
It is raining out, and you are in a rush. You back into the only open parallel parking space you can find on your third trip around the block.
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Screw Business as Usual by Richard Branson, Portfolio, 384 pages, $26. 95, Hardcover, December 2011, ISBN 9781591844341
By the time you get to page four of Richard Branson’s Screw Business as Usual, you will have already been treated to stories of Kate Winslett saving his mother from his burning home on Necker Island—literally carrying her soot-faced down the stairs as the fire rages behind them—and discussing the state of the world over dinner with the Queen and Barack Obama at Buckingham Palace. (And, to apologize for name-dropping, he shares a joke told to him by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
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Masters of Management: How the Business Gurus and Their Ideas Have Changed the World—For Better and for Worse by Adrian Wooldridge, HarperBusiness, 464 pages, $29. 99, Hardcover, November 2011, ISBN 9780061771132
Just from the title alone, you can tell that Masters of Management is a bit softer in tone than the book it revised and updated—a classic, The Witch Doctors by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge, released in 1996. Micklethwait, now the editor-in-chief at The Economist, bowed out of this updated version, but Wooldridge carries the torch forward to cover the rise of the Internet, globalization, the explosion in entrepreneurship, and the ever-expanding field of management and leadership literature.
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