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I saw a bumper sticker on the drive to work today. It read: It is a terrible thing to see, yet have no vision. This is a quote from Helen Keller, and reading it can immediately make one think, "I need to have more vision.
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After battling numerous attempts by wasps to set up shop around our house, my fear of bees seems to have intensified. Each time a nest building was aborted, a new one appeared, and the fear became stronger. They cannot be stopped, it seemed.
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We were discussing the new Google eReader via email here last week, when Roy replied with the following: Big Shock: Roy has never used Google anything. I think it's a government conspiracy. Happy Tuesday!
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We try to keep most of our recommendations oriented around business reading, but we do get an eclectic selection of books sent to us. Since I'm about to take a few days of stay-cation, it seemed just the right time to suggest this multifarious collection of reads appropriate for hot summer days. These books may not spark a change revolution in your company or inspire the perfect new product to rush into development, but, they will entertain you and make you think--just a little, but not too much, because after all, it is vacation.
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I spent some time in Chicago yesterday with author and business strategist Carol Roth, and marketing technology strategist Phil Gerbyshak. We talked about a wide range of perspectives, from small business, to authors, bloggers, and more, and one central theme started to develop: small organizations have the flexibility to change, and the proximity to their customers, to make big things happen. Here's a glimpse into one of those conversations: Feeling inspired to start your own small business?
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