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Summer is the perfect time for a book like this. Many of us are less busy than other times of year, taking vacations, looking forward to weekend events, etc. There are a lot of distractions in summer!
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Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the case studies used in business thought. There are some massively powerful examples to learn from. For instance, we all recognize the genius of Apple.
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While many people take summers off, we at 800-CEO-READ have been brewing up some new things to help people work better. But it's going to take a lot to execute these ideas, so we've added Bob Warde to our team to make sure they're handled the best they can be.
Who's Bob?
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Last night, I watched the film version of author Brett Easton Ellis' American Psycho. While the film has many limitations compared to the book, the gist of the story remains: Powerful people in powerful positions can have powerful problems.
Those of you that might have stomached Ellis' book (it published in 1991, and I felt sort of awful for a week after reading it), might be thinking the story is indicative of a work of fiction.
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What If They Listened to Entrepreneurs? by Henry R. Nothhaft
“Before any significant and sustained increase in the creation of good middle-class jobs can take place, the voice of the entrepreneur who is the source of all breakthrough innovation and job growth must be heard.
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